The Best Call of Duty Games| ASO Keywords Strategy
In the eighteen years since 2003, Activision has released 18 games in the Call of Duty series, which are loved by many players. On October 1, 2019, Call of Duty®: Mobile, developed by TIMI Studios and published by Activision, is the largest mobile game release in history. In one year, Call of Duty®: Mobile generated more than $480 million in revenue and was downloaded more than 270 million times.
At the same time, some similar games to Call of Duty®: Mobile have emerged in the mobile gaming space, gaining a lot of love from mobile gamers. If you want to develop a similar game or are developing one, how do you choose the keywords to get a higher app store ranking? These five most popular Call of Duty games may give you the answer.
Search the keyword "call of duty game" in ASOTools to get the five most popular Call of Duty games in the App Store. They are Call of Duty®: Mobile, Modern Strike Online: PvP FPS, Warface: Global Operations, Cover Fire: Gun Shooting games, Modern Combat Versus.

1. Call of Duty®: Mobile
As mentioned at the beginning, Call of Duty®: Mobile is a free-to-play shooter developed by TiMi Studios and published by Activision on Android and iOS platforms. Multiplayer Online and Battle Royale are Call of Duty®: Mobile 's two most prominent game modes. The multiplayer mode is a basic first-person shooter, similar to the previous Call of Duty games on other platforms as well as older maps. Core game modes include Team Deathmatch, Domination, Free-for-All, Hardpoint, and Confirmed Kill.
Call of Duty®: Mobile is a licensed mobile game from Call of Duty, so it is a great choice to take advantage of the traffic of the original game.

According to the authoritative app keyword ranking released by ASOTools, the top keywords associated with Call of Duty®: Mobile are all original game names or abbreviations. It is worth noting that these game names are multilingual. Localization is very important for a game that is released globally.
Besides, PUBG is also one of the associated keywords. As we all know, PUBG is very similar to Call of Duty in terms of gameplay. Like Call of Duty, PUBG is also a hot game with a huge fan base worldwide, and the PUBG fan base can be your potential user base.
You may notice the subtitle of Call of Duty®: Mobile: Battle Royale, Sniper, 5v5. This is an important point for many players, who often search for gameplay to find games. As with Call of Duty®: Mobile, it's a good idea to include the gameplay in the subtitle or app description to increase your conversion rate.
2. Modern Strike Online: PvP FPS
Modern Strike Online: PvP FPS is an online first-person shooter game published by Azur Interactive Games Limited on Android and ios platforms.

The keywords associated with Modern Strike Online: PvP FPS according to ASOTools are mainly game genres and some typical elements of the game. Game type words such as:shooting-games, first person shooter games, multiplayer shooter, etc.; game elements such as: snaiper 3d, flame thrower, elite killer, strike team, etc. These keywords are the main source of traffic for Modern Strike Online: PvP FPS. Modern Strike Online: PvP FPS understands the importance of these keywords, so they are written directly into the game name and subtitle.
Of course, the names of classic games like Call of duty and PUBG, which are also first-person shooters, also bring a lot of traffic to Modern Strike Online: PvP FPS. We observed that Modern Strike Online: PvP FPS included Call of duty and PUBG in his game description, which is a good way to learn from them.
3. Warface: Global Operations
Warface: Global Operations is a military team-based first-person shooter published by BV. It comes from the world-famous Warface shooter.

According to ASOTools data, the original game name and game genre terms are the main sources of traffic for Warface: Global Operations.
Similar to Call of Duty®: Mobile, Warface: Global Operations is a mobile version of the PC-based game Warface. Therefore, the name of the original game Warface brings it a huge amount of traffic. It is worth noting that users often misremember or mistype the name of the original game, so some "wrong" words can be keywords for the game, such as: warfare, warefare, war face, etc. In addition, the game type "Multiplayer game with friends" is included in the subtitle. Therefore, keywords like "multiplayer shooting games" and "online shooting games" bring huge traffic to it.
Also, don't forget about the connection of your game with other similar games. Keywords like "call of dury modern warfare", "call of duty strike team" are also a source of traffic for Warface: Global Operations is one of the sources of traffic.
4. Cover Fire: Gun Shooting games
Cover Fire: Gun Shooting games is a single player offline shooter game released by Viva Games Studios in March 2017. Easy to control, offline support and free are the best features of the game.

According to ASOTools, the keywords that drive traffic to Cover Fire: Gun Shooting games are game categories, typical elements of games, and names of similar games. Game categories such as shooter games, 3rd person shooter, shooting games offline, etc.; game typical elements such as cover fire, mission, far cry, backstab, rival fire, etc. Users tend to get the games by searching these keywords in the app store, and using such keywords will bring huge traffic to the games.
Similar popular game names such as assassins creed games, black ops zombies 3, call of duty 3 black ops zombies, weapons black ops 3 edition and so on. These popular games are competitors of Cover Fire: Gun Shooting games, and these popular games bring a lot of traffic themselves, so it is a very smart idea to include the names of popular games in the game description.
5. Modern Combat Versus
Modern Combat Versus is an online multiplayer FPS game developed and published by Gameloft on April 12, 2017 for Android, iOs and Microsoft Windows devices.

As a game with a large fan base on PC, Modern Combat Versus naturally needs to make good use of this traffic for ASO optimization on mobile. Therefore, abbreviations and various variations of the game's name are a major source of traffic for the game, such as mcvs, moder combat versus, modern combat versus online game, etc.
Of course, as with other games, it is important to use gameplay or game genre as keywords. Such as rogue company, pvp shooter, fps rpg, etc. It is worth noting that the supportable devices also become one of the keywords of the game, such as iphone 5, mini box and so on. If your game supports multi-platform use, you can include this advantage in the game description.
To sum up, as a game of the same genre as Call of Duty, it is a must to include the game genre or game play in the game subtitle, description. Most players will search the app store for the gameplay they are interested in to find the game. In order to compete with competing games, or to take advantage of the traffic of a game that is bursting at the seams in the same genre, you can write the name of the competing game into the game description so that when players search for the competing game in the app store, they can also see your game. These two tips are for all games to use when doing app keyword optimization.
Also, you need to make some adjustments based on your game's strengths. For example, if your game has the original game on PC or your game is a sequel to the original game, it is important to include the original game name in the app description or app name. If you are going to release the game in multiple countries around the world, then localization and multilingualism are crucial.
Also, you need to consider the use of keywords from the player's perspective. Not every player will be able to type the name of the game correctly. Abbreviations and variations of the game name are among the types of keywords you can consider.
The five best Call of Duty games provide some ideas for keyword selection. But how can you perfectly integrate your chosen keywords into your app name, app description during ASO optimization? You can also get more content through ASOTools.